What to Do When Your Teenager Wants to Drop Out
Hearing your teenager tell you that they want to drop out of school can be frustrating and nerve-racking at the same time. You may be feeling many different emotions such as anger, helplessness and anxiety. However, ignore the instinct to yell and instead rationally talk to your teen and find out the underlying reason for wanting to drop out of school. Sometimes there is a simple underlying cause that can be solved, while others may need a bit more work.
Discuss the situation with your teen. Do they want to drop out because they do not feel as if they are succeeding or is it something more serious, like a bully? Teens are not known for being rational in their thinking; rather they are very impulsive and make spur-of-the-moment decisions.
If your teen is struggling in school, offer to hire a tutor or to help your teen yourself. If the problem is a bully or a group of kids picking on your teen while at school, the problem may run a little deeper.
Be sure to discuss the ramifications of your teen