Water Exercise for Seniors
Water exercise has a reputation for providing benefits for all participants. But there are some benefits that may be specific to seniors, sources say. Here are some of the particular benefits that older adults may experience with water exercise.
1. Increased Metabolism
One of the problems that some seniors experience is a loss of energy. They may long for a time when they had the energy to get up and get going, but they just don’t have it now. Part of this sense of sluggishness might be due to a slowing down of the metabolism that may occur as you age. Long-term studies have shown that water exercise (particularly water aerobics) increases seniors’ metabolism, which has the potential to positively affect energy levels.
2. Psychological Benefits
Another affliction that sometimes haunts seniors is depression. Given the mind-body connection that so much research supports, it’s no wonder that improving one’s health boosts mood. But for seniors, sometimes the exercise required to get their mood up is just too strenuous, difficult, or otherwise out of reach. Water exercise, on the other hand, is usually easy to pick up and results tend to be rapid and noticeable. This gives senior participants a much-needed sense of accomplishment and improvement, which in turn helps motivate them to keep exercising. It has the potential to become a positive feedback loop!
3. Independence
As adults age, they may begin to lose some of their independence. Aches and pains may set in, preventing mobility and requiring more and more reliance on others for basic activities. Being out of shape is a contributing factor to loss of independence in seniors, say experts. Therefore, getting in shape and becoming physically fit may improve independence.
4. Social Benefits
Seniors who participate in water exercise tend to exhibit a positive outlook and self-image, and therefore they are more likely to participate in their local community and its attending events. For seniors struggling with the loss of family and friends, this boost into community involvement can have significant social benefits, both mentally and emotionally. And let’s not forget the water aerobics classes themselves – seniors can interact with the others in the class, making it as much a social outlet as a fitness routine.
5. Arthritis
One of the most common and painful ailments among seniors is arthritis. Experts report that seniors who participate in water exercise experience a decrease in joint pain and an increase in mobility. This is likely due to water’s unique structure – it provides buoyancy and support, taking the stress and strain off of joints, and the resistance water offers is far greater than air. This means muscles and tissue work harder than the joints to move the limbs. The increased muscle tone, then, may help support the joints better overall, helping reduce pain.