Smart Snacking Ideas for Preschoolers
While parents may think that “no snacking between meals” is a healthy goal, it’s been shown that snacking may actually be healthier. Preschoolers and toddlers are said to especially benefit from snacking – their smaller stomachs and growing bodies mean that they need to eat frequently to meet their nutritional needs.
Of course, healthy snacks are the sort of snacks that are beneficial. Hurried parents may just get pre-made, packaged snacks and go with that, and some store-bought snacks are fairly healthy. But for a little effort, you can make your own snacks, too. Here are some ideas for smart snacking for preschoolers.
Whole Grain Crackers
You can buy or make these. If you’re buying them, look for crackers with as few ingredients as possible. Health experts agree that hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and colors, and preservatives should be avoided.
Crackers that are multi-grain are fine, but make sure the manufacturer didn’t just throw some whole grains into a white flour product. Truly whole grain crackers are made with entirely whole grains and whole grain flours.
Making your own crackers is surprisingly easy. Look online for cracker recipes, or scan your family-friendly cookbooks for ideas.
Wheat- or Gluten-Free
If you prefer that your child not be exposed to wheat or gluten (or if this is a necessity for you), you can look for nut-based crackers that contain no wheat or no grains.
Fresh fruit is always a healthy snack and preschoolers tend to love it. Keep fruit on hand and in sight to motivate your little ones. Puree fruit and freeze it into popsicles, and/or let your preschooler eat frozen fruit out of hand. Some fruits can be cut up ahead of time without turning brown, such as kiwi, and others are naturally bite-sized, like berries. Fruits that preschoolers tend to like include:
* Bananas (dried or frozen slices are yummy, too)
* Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
* Apples
* Peaches
* Kiwi
* Pears
* Avocado (chunks or as a spread/dip)
Vegetable crudit