Independence Day on the Water – Celebrate Responsibly and Have Fun
One of the more popular ways to celebrate Independence Day is on the water. It’s fun to go out on a boat or pontoon and enjoy the fireworks with their shimmering reflections on the water. To get the most out of your night on the water, though, it’s important to observe some safety precautions. Here are some tips on how to celebrate responsibly and have fun.
1. Drinking and Boating Don’t Mix
According to sources, almost 30% of boating fatalities are the direct result of alcohol use. It goes without saying that the driver of the boat should not be drinking; but intoxicated passengers can certainly get themselves in trouble (or worse), too. In fact, in some areas, Coast Guard law enforcement is on patrol, and they can and do hone in on intoxicated boaters and impose fines and penalties on the federal and state levels. So play it safe – bring colas or non-alcoholic bubbly drinks on board.
2. Respect the Safety Zone
Expect to see a safety zone established on the water, usually enforced by law enforcement officials or the local fire department. Be sure to respect this zone; it exists for a reason. If you’re too close the fireworks, burns and fires may result.
3. Lifejackets
Children under the age of 12 should wear lifejackets or PFDs (personal flotation device), even if they know how to swim. Anyone who can’t swim should wear a PFD regardless of age.
4. Lighting
It’s important that other boats be able to see your boat, and this can prove difficult on a dark waterway. If you don’t have running lights on your boat, use inexpensive glow sticks such as you might use for camping.
5. Watch the Weather
Depending on your location, summer weather can turn stormy on short notice. Watching the sky in the dark is difficult (and sometimes impossible), so bring along a battery-operated weather radio (with fresh batteries) to keep tabs on what’s happening in the sky. These days, most people just tune in to the weather online using their mobile device; but unpredictable factors such as batteries running down and lack of internet access mean it’s a good idea to have a backup plan!
If the weather seems “iffy,” or if there is lightning, it’s not a good idea to go out on the water.
6. Be Courteous
Waterways can get crowded on Independence Day. Be considerate and courteous to the other boaters on the water, such as making sure you pass with at least 4 feet between you and the other craft. Be sure not to put any boaters at risk.