How to Make Exercise a Part of Your Daily Life
It’s been shown that one of the most effective ways to keep up with your exercise schedule is to make it a part of your daily routine. Have you been wondering how to do this? It can be challenging to start a new habit, but once you get exercise worked in, you may find that you hardly notice it (and miss it when you don’t do it!). Here are some ideas on how to make exercise a part of your daily life.
Standing versus Sitting
Many of us end up in prolonged inactivity because we sit for most of the day at desk jobs. If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, try getting creative in the workplace (or at home if you work from there). Rig up a standing work station if possible, such as setting your computer on a platform on your desk and standing at the keyboard. While standing, you can come up with lots of ways you can keep fit. Here are some ideas.
* Get a treadmill to put under your desk or table so you can walk while typing.
* Do squats periodically while you are standing at your computer.
* Keep your lower body moving while you type by doing Pilates moves, Yoga, belly dancing, or whatever lower-body movement you can. (Some of these may help with toning, too.)
* Bend and straighten your knees one at a time, going as quickly as you can.
Park Far Away
Rather than fighting for that perfect parking spot right in front of the door, make it a habit to park far away from your destination. The walk to and from your car is a good way to get a bit of exercise in, especially if you do it daily. Take advantage of the cart return at stores, too – it gets even more of a walk in if you have to go from your car to the return and back.
Dog Walking
If you don’t have a dog or it isn’t practical to get one, offer to walk your neighbor’s dog. Dog-walking is a good way to get regular exercise in, because it has to be done! And if you agree with your neighbor and he or she is expecting you, it’s hard to back out.
Lunch Hour Workout
If you work in an office, make it a habit to get some exercise during your lunch hour. You can eat at your desk after – in fact, you may want to make it part of your lunch routine to walk to a take-out place that’s at least several blocks away. Or, you can bring your lunch and eat at your desk, then use the noon hour to walk or do Yoga in your office.
Whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator, especially at work. If you make this a habit everywhere – the mall, the library, etc. – you’ll work even more exercise into your daily routine.