Healthy Snack Foods That Will Satisfy Your Food Cravings
Healthy snacks sustain us and give us energy. They help maintain a healthy weight while not feeling deprived. So, when you have a grumble in your tummy, try these satisfying and healthy snacks.
1. Whole Grain Snacks
Whole grain snacks are a great source of fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals. These snacks are filling, rich in fiber and they digest slowly. Try a whole grain sandwich made with peanut butter or whole grain pita filled with shredded lettuce, tomato slices and topped with hummus.
2. Fruits and Vegetables
These snacks are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are low in calorie and taste great! If you find yourself in need of something sweet to snack on, fruit is a great choice. It is naturally sweet. An apple, a cup of raspberries or a pear all contain a good amount of fiber for under 100 calories. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on two apple slices, layer on sliced bananas and then sprinkle on a few blueberries for a healthy snack that’s just 95 calories.
Vegetables are naturally low in calories so you can eat a large serving for less than 100 calories. They satisfy your need for something crunchy and are a healthy alternative to junk food. Cut up a few carrots, celery stalks, bell peppers, and broccoli. Dipping veggies in a low-cal dip, such as salsa or hummus, is also a great snack option.
3. Low-Fat Dairy Snacks
Low-fat dairy snacks such as yogurt, offer protein, carbohydrates, calcium, B-vitamins and potassium. Try serving with cheese sticks and a couple of pieces of dried fruit such as apricots or raisins.
4. Protein
Protein-rich foods are a very satisfying snack choice. These types of snacks are filling and, like fiber-rich snacks, digest slowly. High protein snacks help keep blood sugar levels manageable and give you energy. Some protein-rich snack options are unsalted mixed nuts and seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin; cottage cheese; steamed soybeans sprinkled with sea salt flakes (also known as edamame – yummy); whole grain bean burritos; honey Greek yogurt topped with frozen raspberries and blackberries.
5. Soup
Soups work well as a meal or as a snack option. Try using vegetable broth, seasonings of your choice and frozen vegetables -just simmer until the veggies are nice and tender. A very healthy (and heart friendly) snack.
Proper nutrition is vital to maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body. All it takes is a look on the back of a package to see the nutritional information on what you’re about to put in your body. Treat yourself to a healthy snack. If you have a hectic schedule, it’s even more important to eat healthy foods that give you the fuel you need to keep going.
Snacking on nutritious food keeps your energy level up and your mind from wandering because it needs food. And it doesn’t take up a lot of your time. Snack well, live well!