What Are the Habits of Highly Successful People?
Have you ever wondered what those highly successful people have that you don’t seem to? Or maybe you are one of the successful people and you’re curious as to how your personal habits and outlook have influenced your success.
Here are some of the habits of highly successful people.
Independence, Interdependence, and Dependence
Successful people tend to know the difference between these three concepts, and recognize that interdependence is the key place to be. Too much independence can inhibit success, because inevitably we need others to help us on our way. Excessive dependence prohibits success, too, but in a different way. Dependence means total reliance on others, which can rapidly turn you into a burden!
In contrast, interdependence is the healthy recognition that you need others to succeed – you need for people to buy your product, or approve your work, or give you some much-needed encouragement. But interdependence recognizes that you have an active role in your success. Interdependence is not passive.
Taking Action
Highly successful people tend to be proactive. They don’t spend all of their time coming up with ideas and forming personal ethics and principles, and then stopping there. Being successful means getting something done, so eventually those ideas and principles will need to be put into action. People who succeed think through their goals first, but they get beyond the thinking stage and move into the proactive realm.
Setting out to accomplish something without a goal in mind is not very conducive to success. As noted above, successful people do think things through before taking action. So setting goals and seeing that they are doable is a good first step toward success. It’s also important to note if those goals really fit what you value personally. You may lose your motivation to succeed if you aren’t working toward something you value.
Yes, successful people know how to prioritize. Putting “first things first” helps propel people toward success. There is, after all, an order in which things are done most effectively and efficiently. Successful people recognize what’s really important, and concentrate their energies there first.
Understanding Others
These days, many people are slow to seek understanding and quick to “flame” others. Sources say that success depends, in part, on seeking to understand others before you try to get others to understand you. This is probably because people appreciate being “heard” and understood, and will be much more likely to help you in your efforts. Remember, you need others to succeed!