Managing Pollen Allergies
While there’s no “cure” for allergies as yet, you can manage your pollen allergies so that you don’t have to suffer as the days get longer. Here are some tips for managing those pollen allergies this spring.
Don’t Ask for It
The weather is often wonderful in spring, and it’s tempting to spend all your time outdoors. Of course it’s not practical or desirable to stay inside all the time; but it’s not a good idea to invite trouble, either. Inviting trouble means you’re deliberately going to do things like lie in the grass, or run through fields of flowers, or gather bouquets to bring in the house. Doing those things is like going the extra mile to bring on an allergy attack!
Prepare for Storms
Did you know that ER doctors have a term for increase in allergic asthma victims they see in spring? They call it “thunderstorm asthma,” because the hours and day following a thunderstorm brings more asthma patients to the ER. Why? Well, heavy raindrops such as occur in thunderstorms break up the blobs of pollen into tinier, finer powder, which is more easily inhaled. And storms’ winds distribute the pollen far and wide. So when spring storms threaten, it’s a good idea to get inside or get your inhaler ready.
Air Condition Your Car and Home
Although it costs in energy, fuel and utility bills, air conditioning your home and car and keeping the windows closed can go a very long way toward providing allergy relief. Air conditioning filters, dries and cools the air, both in the car and the house. Closed windows prevent hot, pollen-filled air from coming in.
Use the Clothes Dryer
Okay, so it’s another energy user. But hanging your clothes out in pollen-infested air only brings the allergens in. Hanging out your sheets and bedding is probably the worst – you bring the pollen into your bedroom where you lie in it all night! The clothes dryer is really helpful for those with pollen allergies.
Wash Your Hair Daily
Many of us do this anyway, but make sure kids wash their hair each day, too, in the evening before bed. Even a good rinse helps and is better than nothing. Hair, especially if it’s long and worn loose, can pick up pollen spores during the day. Washing removes the allergens and helps prevent night-time allergy attacks.
Some allergy sufferers shun medication; others take it daily; still others take it only on an as-needed basis. Whatever your approach, if you decide to go with medication, make sure it’s not going to compromise your ability or safety. Many medications for allergies can make you drowsy, and others can make you feel “space-y” and out of it. If you have trouble with oral medications, you might consider nasal gels or sprays.