Managing Electronics and Screen Time
Without much notice you may find you’ve spent several hours on the internet talking to friends on Facebook or doing research. Surfing the internet in one way or another is enjoyable and relaxing to most people. As an adult, most of the time you have the control that’s needed to get off when you need to, whether you just keep an eye on the clock or you set a timer.
Kids on the other hand often don’t have the self-control that’s needed to get off the computer or other electronic devices at the drop of a hat or after a specific amount of time. They know it’s time to get off, but it’s so hard to do it. They may say, “Just a few more minutes” or “I’ll get off after this round.” They just don’t have control that’s needed to get off.
There are several options when it comes to managing electronic and screen time. Some may work for you while others won’t, so it’s best to try each option for a little while and then make a decision. However, if you see it’s not working right away, then it’s important to go ahead and move on to the next option. There’s no point in wasting time on an option that won’t work. The most important thing to know is when you follow these two steps, whatever option you go with will work better.
Setting Rules
Setting the rules and guidelines with your children is important. When they know how you feel and what you expect of them as far as getting online and the amount of time they’re allowed, they’ll follow the rules. When you set these rules you’ll want to keep in mind there may be things that would require you to allow them to be online longer. Of course, homework would be one of those exceptions, but playing games would not be.
Weekdays verses weekends are another exception to the rule, but at the same time you need to put limits on the time. You need to make sure your kids are not spending every waking minute on the computer or other device. It’s important they get up and do things or get outside in the fresh air.
Enforcing the Rules
Enforcing the rules can be one of the hardest things you’ll have to do. It’s not easy saying no to your children and it’s not easy telling them that they must turn the computer off. And it’s worse when they get upset with you and say bad things to you. However, it’s important to keep your child’s best interests close at heart and when you do this you’ll find it’ll be a little easier to enforce the rules.
Managing the time your child spends on the computer or other devices is important for their life, their wellbeing, and their future. They need to do other things instead of just sitting in a chair behind a monitor. They need to be active for their health as well. When you learn to set rules and then enforce them, you’ll find your child will be a better person in the end.