How to Find a Good Water Aerobics Instructor
In your quest for a good water aerobics class, don’t forget the importance of the instructor. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell just what to look for in a good aquatic instructor, so here are some tips and hints about how to find a good water aerobics instructor.
1. Who’s Available?
Do some research in your local area and find out who is out there. Check with your local recreation center, YMCA/YWCA, and/or fitness outfit. Any local pool should be able to give you the names of instructors who teach at their pool, or at least refer you to a pool where aerobics classes are held. This will give you a list of various instructors to compare.
2. Pricing
Don’t hesitate to ask how much their classes cost. You’ll be wanting to compare various instructors on all sorts of points, and how much the class costs is important. It’s not only a question of your budget; it’s also a possible indication of the instructor’s experience level, skill set, and certification status. (It isn’t always, though – that’s why it’s a good idea to read on!)
3. Skill Level and Experience
Ask your prospective instructor how long he has been teaching, and what motivated his decision to become an aerobics instructor. Find out if she has the credentials to teach advanced classes as well as beginning and intermediate. If she only teaches one particular level, find out why.
4. Certification
Is the instructor certified? This is not necessarily the end all and be all of aerobics instruction; someone who is not certified may be quite experienced and very good; conversely, someone who is certified may be lacking experience or interpersonal skills. But when it comes to things like certification in CPR and life-saving measures, having an instructor who is certified in these things can be important.
4. Personal Meeting
You will want to meet with your potential instructor one-on-one. While you are interviewing him, see if he is enthusiastic about what he does. Ask her what she likes most about teaching water aerobics, and how long she’s been doing it. Look for a personable, energetic person who seems dedicated and good with people.
5. Visit the Class
You can learn a great deal by sitting in on a class. Watch beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes to determine which one would suit you best. Notice how the instructor interacts with her class. Does she pay attention to each individual? Do the students seem to be having fun? How does he interact with the students before and after class?
As you do your research and keep a running list of instructors, you should be able to find one that fits your needs, your budget, and your fitness level.